People laugh when I say that sea days are so busy that I don’t have time to eat. Wyona and Greg don’t have time for it, either. There is a destination lecture, a bridge lecture, a dance class, a lecture on historical events around the port we will be entering. Then if I take a mile walk around the deck before all of this happens, and try to get to the evening entertaining – well, those days are exhausting.
The Bridge Lectures are attended by the same group of people – the others meet again in the afternoon to practise their skills with duplicate bridge on each other. But Wyona and Greg go off to dance lessons instead. If Wyona does go to play, and Greg goes to dance alone, she ends up getting the high board points, but she claims the stress of having to do so well wears her out for the rest of the day. She comes back to the room, throws herself on the bed, and gives me strict instructions. Vehemently she says, “Don’t ever let me go up there and play bridge again”. Not believing I have that power, I have no idea what tools I am going to use to stop her.
Still, I am enjoying learning about the rule of 20, the rule of 15, the rule of 11 and the instructions on the four rules of what to lead should you get to play the first card. “The gods of bridge will punish you if you don’t memorize these four leads,” the instructor said, looking up to the heavens. “And I mean it. You will be punished.”
This threat scares me more than it scares Wyona.
- Arta
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